Your help over that last 2 weeks makes me cry as much as the CS gas did; one in a good way, the other not so much. We were connected through a mutual friend and you took a very pathetic website layout and made something amazing and professional out of it.
You showed extreme patience with me, as someone who had no idea what SEO, Strip Images, Layouts, Tags, etc. meant and you taught me.
You stayed up late and awoke early to help with our time difference. This website is a tribute to our Soldiers and our Stories, but it is your expertise, professionalism, and gifted ability that is bringing it to life and fruition.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank YOU, DP!! Thank you for your courage, for your service, and for all your sacrifices. It is/was a pleasure to be able to assist you. And any site is only ever as good as its content. Your site is amazing because you are amazing! 👍🫶🇺🇸 — 🪓that shi*t up will stay with me forever.