We are happy to announce that we have almost received 100% permission to name scholarships in the names of those we lost. Scholarships will start in 2025 and Solvig and I will continue them as long as we can so that our Heroes are never forgotten.
That was the goal of the book all along. To remember them and to never let their sacrifices be forgotten. We will work out the details of the scholarships in the coming months for application windows, criteria, etc. but we are looking forward to it.
Many have asked to donate towards the scholarships and quite frankly I am not good at this stuff so this easiest way right now is to simply buy a copy of the book. This is how the scholarships are funded.
Even if you enjoyed the book already, gift one to your library, your VFW, your local VA center, another veteran or family member or ROTC program, etc.
We promise to get more information out before the new year and we are so proud that we can make a difference in someone else’s life by honoring our heroes that sacrificed theirs.
Storey, Quick, Beste, Dietrich, Rogers and more. We love you and miss you.